I stumbled upon this interesting movie called Fido the other day. It’s a satirical comedy about 1950’s America with one twist — people turn into zombies after they die.
I encourage you to watch the movie from a flow perspective. Why? It is a fantastic example of how friends, family and society can create flow blockages and “set the tone” for your purpose, whether it fits you or not. As you know, such blockages can stunt your success, seriously impeding you ability to accomplish anything in life.
In the movie’s case, the rules set down by friends, family and society were as follows:
– All people must be collared (turning zombies into harmless creatures) immediately after someone dies
– The elderly were seen as being a bad thing since they were most like to turn into zombies. In other words, don’t get too attached to grandma
– Zombies who aren’t collared must be killed immediately
– Zombies who are collared are turned into slaves
– Killing/mutilating a zombie was considered a right of passage for men
– A corporation called Zomcon is allowed to administer any laws it sees fit, including martial law and illegal search & seizure
Of course, if you don’t agree with any of the above you are considered a bad citizen or worse, a rebel that must be locked away. Various characters in the movie struggle with their flow, their true life’s purpose, versus what society is telling them it is.
Yes, it all sounds far fetched, but is it really? What’s the difference between society setting bizarre rules about zombies and real American society setting bizarre rules about gays, immigrants, capital punishment, what God approves of or doesn’t approve of, and so on.
This is why understanding your flow is so crucial to success. Trying to map your life to the world around you is a futile game. In fact, by the end of the movie (and I’m not giving anything away), many of the characters find their flow even though it conflicts with society.
I hope you have a great day!
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