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How to be selfish, and stop being unselfish (really!)

By January 11, 2018May 13th, 2020No Comments

Friends, family and society will tell you that being unselfish is a noble thing, and something you should aspire to. Likewise, being selfish is a bad thing to be.

But being unselfish can create flow blockages. For example, I had a client with a brother who was a drug addict and couldn’t hold a job. The client was unselfishly supporting this person, hoping he would get back on his feet. But the brother had no incentive to change since he had an “income” from his sister, and my client was being financially drained.

Now let’s take the same scenario from a selfish perspective. By understanding her flow, my client learned that by not enabling her brother both could be successful — she could protect her finances and he would ultimately be “forced” to seek the help he really needed.

Or to use a common phrase, God helps those who help themselves.

This year is the year of being selfish, a year in which people like yourself are learning that to be the most successful (and to help others be their most successful), they must find and understand their flow. Once you learn to be selfish in flow, anything is truly possible!

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